Project Timeline:
August 1, 2018 - December 30, 2026
CMER Scientist:
Rachel Rubin
Principal Investigator:
Benjamin Spei
Project Manager:
Jenny Schofield
Rule Group:
Type F Riparian Prescriptions Rule Group
Eastside Scientific Advisory Group (SAGE)
The purpose of this project is to develop options for an eastern Washington riparian forest management system. The system will consist of : 1) an ecologically based classification system that groups riparian forests based on stand trajectory and function, 2) management objectives for each classification group consistent with the management objectives of the FP HCP Appendix N, Schedule L-1 (WA DNR 2005), and 3) scientific guidance for silvicultural measures to achieve those objectives.
Project Manager, DNR
Principle Investigator, University of Idaho
Project Team Member, University of Idaho
Project Team Member, University of Idaho
Project Team Member, University of Idaho
CMER Scientist, DNR
Project Team Member, University of Idaho
No documents associated with this phase.
No documents associated with this phase.