Project Timeline:
November 20, 2012 - November 30, 2027
CMER Scientist:
Rachel Rubin
Principal Investigator:
Tim Link, Charles Hawkins
Project Manager:
Anna Toledo
Rule Group:
Type N Riparian Effectiveness
SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group - Eastside)
This project will help inform if, and to what extent, the prescriptions found in the Type N Riparian Prescriptions Rule Group (Np streams) are effective in protecting water quality and some riparian functions, particularly as they apply to sediment and stream temperature in eastern Washington. The discharge regime of headwater streams influences a number of functions including water temperature and sediment transport. Although the effect of forest management on discharge has been studied for more than half a century, it is not possible to fully predict management-related changes in discharge timing or magnitude, because of the large variability in headwater attributes and functions and relative paucity of research on the colder and drier eastside systems.
CMER Scientist, DNR
Principal Investigator, University of Idaho
Principal Investigator, Utah State University
Field Manager, University of Idaho
Staff Scientist, University of Idaho
Staff Scientist, Utah State University
Department of Ecology
Project Manager
No documents associated with this phase.