Project Timeline:
April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2028
CMER Scientist:
Tanner Williamson
Project Manager:
Jenny Schofield
Rule Group:
Wetlands Protection Rule Group
Wetland Science Advisory Group (WetSAG)
The Forested Wetland Effectiveness Project (FWEP) is a keystone program within the WetSAG’s workplan as it provides a scientific foundation from which to evaluate how forest harvest undertaken under current forest practice rules changes forested wetland hydrology and ecology. CMER and Policy recommended prioritizing this program following a WetSAG field trip with Ecology Wetlands Program staff that raised concerns about the potential effects of timber harvest on the function of forested wetlands and their hydrologically connected streams. Currently, the rules give limited protection to forested wetlands, and little is known about the effects of harvest on forested wetland hydrology and ecology. This project will look at the effectiveness of forest practices prescriptions to protect, maintain, and restore aquatic resources, namely water quality and wetland hydrologic and ecological functions.
Project Manager, DNR
Principle Investigator, NWIFC
Project Team Member, WA Farm Forestry Association
Field Scientist, Meadow Run Environmental
Project Team Member, Suquamish Indian Tribe
Field Scientist, NWIFC
Project Team Member, WA Dept. of Ecology
No documents associated with this phase.
No documents associated with this phase.