Project Timeline:
September 1, 2016 - June 30, 2028
CMER Scientist:
Rachel Rubin
Principal Investigator:
Rachel Rubin
Project Manager:
Anna Toledo
Rule Group:
Type N Riparian Effectiveness
RSAG (Riparian Scientific Advisory Group)
Field research examining the combined effect of stream-adjacent no-harvest zone width and adjacent-stand harvest intensity (i.e., thinning density) on stream shade is limited. While other existing and planned CMER research studies support decisions on the effectiveness of the Type F and Type N prescriptions tested, they will not inform policy makers of other buffer configurations involving thinning. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how stream shade responds to a range of riparian harvest treatments within environments (ecoregions) common to commercial forestlands covered under the FPHCP. Results from this study will help the Adaptive Management Program interpret and respond to ongoing and future monitoring studies that directly test both shade and temperature and will provide information about how well alternative riparian buffer prescriptions meet shade targets.
Principal Investigator, CMER Scientist, DNR
Project Team Member, Washington State Association of Counties
Project Team Member, WFPA
Project Team Member, WFPA
Project Team Member, CMER Scientist
Project Manager
No documents associated with this phase.