Project Timeline:
May 1, 2022 - November 30, 2024
CMER Scientist:
Rachel Rubin
Project Manager:
Anna Toledo
Rule Group:
RSAG (Riparian Scientific Advisory Group)
Washington State Forest Practices rules and management guidelines covered by the FPHCP (Forest Practices Habitat Conservation Plan, 2006) are strongly influenced by the science of riparian processes articulated in the FPHCP Environmental Impact Statement (EIS Chapter 6 References, Appendix A Regional Summaries, Appendix B Riparian Modeling, 2005). Included with the EIS references is the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team (FEMAT) report, “Forest Ecosystem management: an ecological, economic, and social assessment. Section V: Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment (1993).” Although the Forests and Fish Report and FPHCP and the rules derived from it considered many sources, our scientific understanding of riparian processes has evolved since then based on additional research that has been completed since that time. Some aspects of the then-current state of knowledge on riparian processes and the effects of timber harvest on them have been affirmed by more recent science, but for other parts some of the scientific conclusions are changing. In addition, the riparian management strategies have evolved to address resource objectives. This synthesis will look at literature that has been completed since the FEMAT and Forests and Fish reports, and the FPHCP EIS, and will inform the Adaptive Management Program (AMP) committees and the Forest Practices Board (FPB) regarding the effects of forest harvest and other management practices on riparian functions and processes.
CMER Scientist, DNR
Project Team Member, University of Idaho
Project Team Member, University of Idaho
Project Team Member, University of Idaho
Project Manager
No documents associated with this phase.