Project Timeline:
January 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026
Principal Investigator:
Aimee McIntyre
Project Manager:
Jenny Schofield
Rule Group:
Type N Riparian Prescriptions Rule Group
Landscape and Wildlife Scientific Advisory Group
This study is a field experiment that assesses the effects of clearcut harvest of Type N basins with three riparian buffer strategies (compared to unharvested reference basins) during Phase 1 (2006–2011), extended monitoring in Phase 2 (2012–2017), and a proposed future monitoring in Phase 3 (funded for 2021-2023 in the current draft of the CMER Master Project Schedule (MPS)). Study responses included riparian stand structure, tree mortality, wood recruitment and loading, stream temperature and cover, discharge, nutrient export, suspended sediment export, stream channel characteristics, litterfall input and detritus export, biofilm and periphyton, macroinvertebrate export, and stream-associated amphibian density. Data on downstream effects on stream temperature and fish populations were also assessed, where possible. Study sites were limited to basins with basalt or other hard rock lithologies, where the target amphibian species are more likely to be found. The BACI (Before-After Control-Impact) study design includes randomized blocks, with sites assigned to one of four treatments, including the reference.
Project Manager, DNR
Principle Investigator, WDFW
Principal Investigator, WDFW
Project Team Member, Weyerhaeuser
Project Team Member, WFPA
No documents associated with this phase.
No documents associated with this phase.