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Project: Water Typing Strategy - Potential Habitat Breaks (PHB)

  • Status: On-Track
  • Current Phase: Implementation

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Project Timeline:

May 10, 2017 - June 30, 2029

CMER Scientist:

Jenelle Black

Project Manager:

Anna Toledo

Rule Group:

Stream Typing


ISAG (Instream Scientific Advisory Group)

Project Description

The purpose of this study is to develop criteria for accurately identifying PHBs and to evaluate the utility of PHB criteria for use in the Fish Habitat Assessment Methodology (FHAM) as part of a water typing rule. The study is designed to assess which combinations of gradient, channel width, barriers to migration, and other physical habitat and geomorphic conditions are associated with uppermost detected fish locations. This will 1) inform which Board-identified PHB criteria most accurately identify the upstream extent of fish habitat in an objective and repeatable manner as applied in the FHAM and 2) evaluate whether an alternative set or combination of empirically derived criteria more accurately achieves this goal (CMER 2020). Additionally, this study is intended to provide insight into how uppermost detected fish points, upstream extent of fish habitat based on FHAM, and PHBs proposed by the Washington Forest Practice Board may vary across geography, seasons, and years. The Board is expected to use the study findings to inform which PHB criteria to use in FHAM.

Project Team Members

Jenelle Black

CMER Scientist

Jason Walter

Project Team Member, Weyerhaeuser

John Heimburg

Project Team Member, WDFW

Christopher Mendoza

Project Team Member, Conservation Caucus

Douglas Martin

Project Team Member, WFPA

Emma Greenwood

Project Team Member, Spokane Tribe of Indians

Mark Meleason

Project Team Member, Washington State Association of Counties

Anna Toledo

Project Manager

If there is an approved document associated with the phase shown, this will be a quick link to that file.


Phase Timeline

Project Initiation
May 2017
Nov 2017
Study Design
May 2020
Jun 2023
Data Analysis/Final Report
Oct 2025
Jun 2029
* horizontal lines represent phase overlap

2023-2025 BIENNIUM BUDGET (Combined PHB & DPC)

Total Budget Status

  • $52,776(4.45%)
  • $1,186,809
  • Expended To Date
  • Planned Budget
* Project Budgets do not include AMP Staff Salaries

