Project Timeline:
July 1, 2013 - December 31, 2024
CMER Scientist:
Jenelle Black
Project Manager:
Alexander Prescott
Rule Group:
RSAG (Riparian Scientific Advisory Group)
Riparian prescriptions and rules are very different from Eastern to Western Washington for Type F (fish-bearing) waters. Currently no Westside Type F Effectiveness Studies are being conducted by the Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research (CMER) committee. While CMER has tested the effectiveness of Eastside Type F riparian prescriptions and the Bull Trout Overlay All Available Shade Rule, the current Westside rule remains based on untested assumptions that riparian prescriptions are functioning as intended. There is therefore a need for a Westside Type F Riparian Prescription Effectiveness study to fill this knowledge gap and compliment the Eastside Type F Effectiveness Study results. However, little is known about the distribution of stand conditions in Westside Type F streams under the current suite of prescription variants. Before such a Type F effectiveness study can be implemented, a Pilot Study is needed to assess the distribution of stand conditions and prescription variants. The Pilot Study will produce information needed to focus and design the Westside Type F Riparian Prescription Effectiveness Before After Control Impact (BACI) study.
The goal at the conclusion of the Pilot study is to have information including:
Project Manger
CMER Scientist
Project Team Member, Martin Environmental
Project Team Member, Conservation Caucus
No documents associated with this phase.